monster and a smidge of pumpkin patch part 3

As I look back on the pics, I think a third visit to a pumpkin patch may have been overkill.  There's not many pics where the kids don't look bored.  Perhaps I'll have to remember that next year.

When we got back from the pumpkin patch that day, jake wanted to do an art project.  I love art projects.  As he gets older, it becomes more and more fun to do them.  I just found this blog, Brightest Crayon in the Blog, and I'm super excited to use her ideas for jake.  I'll have to modify things a bit but, its inspiring.  I'm excited to do these projects when anna gets a little older.  I think she's really going to be into the art projects. 

Its not uncommon for jake to say he wants to do an art project.  Sometimes I have things planned out.  Sometimes I don' this day.  I remember scrambling.  I grabbed a rock from outside and washed it off.  While it dried, we went on a nature walk and grabbed some things for a monster.  I took inspiration from Family Fun's Instant Friend Kit and grabbed the googly eyes, too.  He really liked making the monster.  It fell apart after a week or so because he kept touching it.  

I set anna up with some play do in hopes to instill my "don't eat the play do" philosophy.  Yes, I'm singing the "Don't Bite Your Friends" song by Yo Gabba Gabba while I say, "don't eat they play do."
