
The train show came into town a few days ago. We weren't really sure if we were going to go. We had a ton of stuff planned for the weekend plus it was $10 an adult to go. Kind of steep to look at a train or two for a couple of hours if you ask me. We decided to go and I'm so glad we did....jake LOVED it.

I've never seen anything hold his attention like these trains.

anna....well....I'm not sure she was as riveted.

There were trains EVERYWHERE. jake wanted nothing to do with me. It was all about daddy and jake.

I can't believe how big he's getting. He's a little boy now. No longer my baby. He sees pictures of himself as a baby and asks me..."Is that baby jake, mommy? Is that me?" Sigh.

He was so excited about being there.



There was a Thomas the Train ride. We avoided it. I really wanted him to ride it but, it was free which meant the line was lloooonnnggg....and when I say llooonnnggg that might be an understatement.

We did see the cool lego models of some of the buildings downtown.

Ummm....I just said cool lego models. I'm so getting old.