
Sometimes I need to gain a little perspective. Actually, sometimes perspective needs to grab a baseball bat and hit me over the head. I get all antsy and nutty when life gets a bit unorganized. When that happens, I tend to focus on the superficial and what I don't have.....that's when perspective needs to grab the bat under the bed and sucker punch me.

I'm a pretty lucky lady. I'm home with my babies, I have a great husband, a solid marriage and a home that I love. I say this now because I've spent the last week or so bustin' my butt trying to get things cleaned and life organized...hey whatever it takes to make me remember that I have a whole lot to be thankful for and wouldn't change my life for anything. I hate it when I lose sight of that.

So the other day I tried to get jake to paint with feathers.

Doesn't that sound like fun?


jake decided he wanted a paint brush. I didn't want to mess with his creative energy so I just gave him one.

What am I going to do with the whole package of feathers?

anna was too busy trying to tame those cheeks. She didn't care about the feathers, either.

Paint brushes bring out the creative tongue.

Yup, I finally got a clue and took some of Trev's old shirts to use as smocks....covers up the fact that he's probably not wearing pants, too.

This my friends, is art.
