
jake has a poster of chief wahoo in his room...I'm just guessing that's how you spell wahoo....anyway, Trev has always talked about taking jake to his first Indians/Browns/Cavs game.

On Mother's Day my friend was coming over to help me paint the kids' rooms. First, let me just say THANK YOU to Tanya. She came to help because Trev hates to paint and she knew how badly I wanted these rooms painted yet I'm supposed to be resting sooo she came to make me happy. PLUS, she came on Mother's Day and yes she is a mommy, too!! The hubbies were supposed to take the kids that day and Tanya's husband suggested going to the Indians game. Not going to lie. I was nervous about the whole thought of them having them for the whole day. I'm so stinkin' schedule driven. I knew it was going to be disasterous.

Here's the send off. Bummed about the glare on the lens. jake and bree looked thrilled to be heading out with the dads.

We got jake and bree set up in the back seat together with the ever so wonderful dvd players.

We didn't hear from them for a looong time. We couldn't decide if that was a bad thing or a good thing. Either things were going really well or they were breaking down and they guys were in denial and didn't want to let us know.

This was the first pic that I got from Trev.

Not bad....but, then I got this one.

Apparantly, there are people with drums in the bleachers. While Trev was really psyched by the idea of jake sitting on the drums, jake was less than thrilled.

I think it ended up being a great trip all around. jake of course didn't sleep at all and we paid for it the next day but, I think he had a lot of fun. He talked about it a lot and was all smiles when he came home. Just a day at the ballfield with the boys and his best girl!

If you're wondering how the rooms turned out....stay tuned!!