
I'm not going to lie. I am not meant to be a flipper or a renovator. This basement project is sucking the life out of me and I'm not really doing any work. It's hard to be pregnant - huge - and have your house disprupted for months. I know I'm going to really appreciate it in the end but, I can't take it! Luckily the major stuff is almost done and we're fast approaching the details stage. I think - I have to get Trev on board - that we're going to slow the pace a bit after these huge things. Maybe take the details a little slower which should help me survive the third trimester and our pocketbook from declaring bankruptcy.

Trev has done a fantastic job, though. He's pushing through and getting things done despite me. I know it's hard on him, too. jake wants to spend a ton of time with his daddy but, we've had to get stuff done in the basement. Anyway, enough of the pity party.

We have tile!!!

Here's the tile in the bathroom. It's 18in squares. The color is a little greyer than the picture - I guess you'll never get the color right on the computer.

Here's the wall waiting for the toilet, vanity and mirror.

You can kinda see the shower on the right in the back. Trev and gramps installed the shower door which looks awesome. My pregnant self forgot to take a picture of it.

Here are my sconces. For some reason, I'm infatuated by them.

Here's the tile in the laundry room. They're 12 in squares.

Pretty soon my washer and dryer will be on that wall...and I'll be doing laundry for days to make up for not being able to do any for the last two weeks.
