about 48 hours

It takes about 48 hours for a new person in the family to catch the bug that the previous person has so graciously offered to give away.  jake got sick on Wed night.  I got sick on Friday night.  Trevor got sick on Sunday night.  Pretty much works that way every time jake gets sick.  We have never been sick as much as we have been since having a kid.  Yet another joy of parenthood.

Things are moving quietly along.  jake still far prefers to crawl than to walk.  We try to encourage him to walk but, he really doesn't have an interest in it.  It takes bribery.  Dangle a toy or something else in front of him and he'll take a few steps for you. 

I got him to stack a block the other day.  I was really excited about it.  I made him do it like five times.  He probably thinks I'm nuts.  Like the walking, he really won't do it unless he's prompted.  I swear the kid makes a liar out of me all the time.  Thank God we got the first steps on video or no one would believe us.

He's really into Goodnight, Gorilla  I have to read it to him about 50 times before he'll go to sleep.  I don't really mind.  I think it's the first book where he's actually following the story.  Most of his other favorite books were his favorites because he liked the pictures.  I think he actually likes this story.  He'll patiently and quietly watch as the zookeeper says goodnight to all the animals, he'll get a little anxious when they walk through the house, and he gets a little excited when the lady opens her eyes wide.  It's fun to see him get into it.

We were upstairs playing in his room today and the garbage truck drove by.  jake did his "mummmm, mummmm" and pointed to the window.  You would think that the "mummmm, mummmm" would mean mommy but, it doesn't.  That's his car sound.  It was neat that he kind of connected the sound and that it was outside.  We went to the window and watched the truck go around the circle.