Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

After 4 years (this is our 5th Christmas together) I finally convinced T that a real tree was a necessity.  I loooove real tree so I was super excited when he gave the ok.  I wanted it all to be perfect so that there would be no way he could see Christmas without a real tree.

We decided to get our tree the Sunday after Thanksgiving.  It wasn't the best of days weather wise...shoulda taken that as an omen.  We bundled up and headed out to get the tree.  I think T really enjoyed picking the tree out.  Plus, the nursery was giving out free chili and everyone loved seeing j in our new favorite way to brave the cold weather.

I saw one of the girls at the mom's group carrying her little guy like this.  It really is so convenient and j loves the sling so it works out perfectly.  You're not supposed to have a winter coat on a baby when he's in the carseat so instead of taking a coat on and off, I pop him in the sling and off we go.  Added bonus, we get to use the pregnancy winter coat again.

So we got the tree home and T was able to get it into the house.


We got it in the stand.



And let it spread out it's branches.



The tree thanked us by falling down.  The age old question, "does a tree make a sound when it falls in the woods?"  I have an answer.  It doesn't when it falls in your living room.  We finally got it to stand upright by tying it to the wall.  We think that we just need a larger stand which I get to purchase after Christmas for next year!  :)  Then we got the lights on.



Only to find out the next morning that half of them burnt out.  So much for the perfect real tree.  After taking all the lights off and buying new ones, we finally got the tree completely decorated...4 days later.



I was able to get a few other decorations up, too.  I'm super proud of our new garland as I added the lights and the ornaments myself.  My first Christmas project!



Santa is just resting until go time.



Stockings were hung by the chimney with care.  This is just a stand in stocking for j.  I have a fab new Pottery Barn one on it's way.


Plus, we have a second tree!  This is our old artificial tree which we're going to use for arts and crafts ornaments.  I'm excited to think about j and I making ornaments for it in the future.



That's our Christmas tree saga.  I think I get to get another real tree next year, though!

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