little lady

I'm not going to lie.  I'm a tad bit behind on posting my sessions.  I'm like a month behind.  Not really sneak peeks.  I'm holding impromptu minisessions in the same location that I took this little lady's pictures last month.  When I texted her mom asking what the real name of the park was, she threatened me and said she wouldn't tell until I blogged the session.  Humph.  I suppose when you're a bridesmaid in someone's wedding, you can throw threats around.  Whatever.  She's lucky she was next on the blogging list.  :)

She looks just like her brother.  Take a looksie at the portraits we did back in January.  I can't tell you how much I love my newborn package.  I love seeing the little ones grow!  These are her 3 month pictures.  Take a look at how much she's grown since she was born!

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