the three's | columbus, ohio children's photographer

I'm really excited to get to know this family.  Our oldest boys are the same age and will be hanging out at a hockey game really soon!  I was really excited to have a session for this little guy's third birthday.  I know how to talk three year old boy speak.  I do it aaallllll day.  It was going to be easy peasy.  I mean, my kid avoids looking at me because I always have a camera in his has nothing to do with his age....ughhh....yeah.  So Mr. Gorgeous Blue Eyes  I had to turn to his parents and say....ummmm....we can totally do a reshoot if we have to...  Thankfully they threw the 'ol relationship buster, "Its not, you its him", out into the universe and made me feel so much better.  I think we may have gotten a few keepers....

...and because 'lil bro is a cutie, too...
